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DDA all purpose white flour / DDA 白面粉 - 20kg...
FIVE ROSE all purpose white flour / 五朵玫瑰白面粉 - 10kg...
Flour for Wet Rice Paper / 肠粉专用粉 - 454kg...
Special Select Refined Enriched Whole Wheat all Purpose Flour / 金典多用途面点粉 - 5..
Special Select Refined Enriched Whole Wheat all Purpose Flour / 金典饺子专用面粉 - 5..
Whole Wheat all Purpose Flour (Snow) / 福临门雪花小麦粉 - 5kg...
1.34 lbs Thin Asian style sweet potato noodles, DangMyeon. Thick Asian style..
Assi Jia-jiang Noodle / 炸酱面 - 4 lbs..
Assi Mak-guksoo Noodle - 4 lbs..
Assi Udon Noodle / 乌冬面 - 4 lbs..
Black earth organic rice / 福临门黑土地有机米 - 5KG..
Black Tapioca Pearl / 黑珍珠丸子- 300g..
15.0 lbs The original supplier packed in boxes and NOT selected...
1kg Large Noodles Dragon Beard Noodles Thin Noodles The original supplier packed..